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Welcome on Guedot's user page.

Personal Information

Lola Guedot

PhD Student @ CORIA
Office: INSA/Ma.B.RC.11
Tel: +33 (0)2 32 95 98 18 My LinkedIn Profile

Lab Address:
Avenue de l'Université - BP 12
76801 Saint Etienne du Rouvray
Tel: +33 (0)2 32 95 36 00
Fax: +33 (0)2 32 91 04 85

Research Activities

Ph.D Thesis : Modelisation and simulation of multi-point injection systems

Supervisor : Dr. Vincent Moureau

Research topics
- Development of a numerical methodology for the extraction of large scale structures and implementation in the massively parallel LES solver YALES2
- Reactive LES simulations of industrial injection systems for aeronautical burners with realistic liquid fuel injection, and analysis of the aerodynamics of swirled flames

Teaching activities
Teaching assistant at INSA Rouen in 2012 - 2013 (Thermodynamics)

Industrial collaborations
- Thesis in collaboration with Snecma (Safran Group)
- Technical consulting for GDTech France : Support for the installation and usage of the LES solver YALES2. 3D simulations of fuel injectors to asses the ability of the code to model sprays in an industrial context

Publications and communications
Guedot, L., Lartigue, G. & Moureau, V. (2015) Design of implicit high-order filters on unstructured grids for the identification of large scale features in LES. Physics of Fluids, 27(4), 045107.
Guedot, L., Lartigue, G. & Moureau, V. (2014) Numerical study of spray/precessing vortex core inter- action in realistic swirling flows. ERCOFTAC ETMM 10. Marbella, Spain.
Guedot, L., Lartigue, G. & Moureau, V. (2013) Design of high-order implicit filters on unstructured grids for the identification of large-scale features in LES. ERCOFTAC DLES 9. Dresden, Germany.