
Revision as of 16:33, 5 March 2018 by Taieb (Talk | contribs) (Lab Address)

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Personal Information

Chef de Groupe Bureau d'Etudes Fonctionnelles

Office: Safran Helicopter Engines, 417 avenue du Béarn, 78200 Buchelay
Tel: +33 (0)1 30 63 76 55

Lab Address

Safran Helicopter Engines
417 avenue du Béarn
78200 Buchelay

Research Activities

  • Development of the YALES2 solver, a high-order unstructured code for massively parallel computations.
  • Aerodynamic of cars and planes.

Teaching Activities

  • Fluid mechanics for engineer student at the mechanical department of INSA de Rouen.


  • 2010-present: Research engineer devoted to the industrialization of YALES2 solver for SAFRAN (multi-perforation cooling, injection systems).
  • 2007-2010: Ph.D. on numerical simulation of rocket-engine cooling channels for SNECMA (Rocket engine manufacturer) and CNES (French spatial agency).
  • 2006-2007: Master degree at CORIA in Energetic, Fluid and Environment.
  • 2004-2007: Engineer degree at INSA de Rouen (Mechanical department, fluid mechanics specialization).


  • G. Ribert, D. Taïeb, X. Petit, G. Lartigue, P. Domingo, "Flow simulation under supercritical thermodynamics conditions". 4th Eucass Conference, St-Petersburg (Russia), 2011.
  • D. Taieb, G. Ribert and A. Hadjadj, "Numerical simulation of shock focusing over concave surfaces", AIAA J. (48,8): 1739-1747 (2010). link


  • D. Taieb, G. Ribert, V. Yang, Supercritical fluid behavior in a cooling channel. 49th AIAA ASM Conference, Orlando (USA), 2011, AIAA-2011-392.
  • D. Taieb, G. Ribert, A. Hadjadj, "DNS and LES of wall-bounded compressible turbulent flows in narrow cooling channels". 48th AIAA ASM Conference, Orlando (USA), 2010, AIAA-2010-638.
  • D. Taieb, G. Ribert and A. Hadjadj, Numerical simulation of a shock focusing on a concave surface, ISIS18 (Rouen, France), 2008.