Yves D'Angelo

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Yves D'Angelo

See also my HomePage at LIED/DYCO !

Personal Information

Starting september 2016, I am presently Full Professor of Fluids Dynamics & Applied Mathematics at the Laboratoire de Mathématiques & Interactions J.A. Dieudonné at the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis (UMR 7351) in Nice, France.

From 2005 to 2016, I was Full Professor in the Energy & Propulsion Department, at the French Institute for Applied Sciences (INSA) in Rouen, France, and Researcher at the CORIA Lab, where I used to lead a small team of PhDs, Post-docs and Master trainees (constantly 3 to 7 people).

My main research interests deal with asymptotic modeling, numerical modeling & analysis and scientific computing.

At CORIA Lab, present or recent applications and ongoing project deal with

  • turbulent combustion modeling, flame/wall interaction, stratified combustion modeling in engines
  • expanding wrinkled flames, flame-balls & ignition kernels analysis, flame/acoustics interaction, percolation modeling for front propagation;
  • coupled dynamics of energy & mass transfer, turbulent heat & mass transfer in metal foams (also at LIED/DYCO);
  • reactive flow and thermoelectric conversion at the small scale ;
  • buoyant destabilization in wet granular media and non-Newtonian flows (also at LIED/DYCO);.

International Collaborations
Politecnico Milano, Italy; CUED Cambridge University Engineering Department, UK ; Chair of Fluid Mechanics, TU Berlin, Germany; LTH, Lund University of Technology, Sweden: Dept. of Aircraft Technology, Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Greece; BioPolis & University of Valencia, Spain; Queensland University of Technology, Australia.

Industrial Collaborations
Renault, IFPEN, ONERA, HBOB Grenoble, ST MicroELectronics, BioPolis Valencia.

email: dangelo@coria.fr
Tel: +33 (0)2 32 95 36 90

CORIA Web sites :
Stratified Combustion
MesoScale Combustion

Lab Address

Avenue de l'Université - BP 12
76801 Saint Etienne du Rouvray , ROUEN, FRANCE
Tel: +33 (0)2 32 95 36 00
Fax: +33 (0)2 32 91 04 85

Past Positions

  • Post-doctoral research associate, Yale Center for Combustion Studies, Yale University, New Haven, 1994/95 (with M.D. Smooke & A. Gomez). Spray Evaporation Modelling.
  • Research Engineer, Fluid Mechanics, Heat & Mass transfer, Combustion, Advanced numerical methods, French Aerospace Industry: Matra BAe, Aerospatiale/EADS, Dassault Aviation; 1990/94 & 1995/97.
  • Assistant Professor, French Institute for Agronomy (AgroParisTech), Paris, Non Newtonian Fluids Modelling and Simulation 1997/99
  • Associate Professor, National School of Mechanics and Aeronautics (ENSMA-ISAE), Poitiers, France, 1999/2005 (with G. Joulin).

Roles & Responsibilites

  • PhD Advisor for 10 students (since 2000 : G. Boury, R. Rego, O. Esnault, J. Savre, E. Albin, M. Sjostrand, S. Liu, B. Leveugle, C. Gruselle, P. Bénard) and member of 24 PhD Defence Juries (since 2003)
  • Deputy Director of the Research and Development Department at INSA Rouen (administrative management), 2007/09
  • Responsible for the Master 2, INSA (around 10 students per year)
  • Member of the French Agrégation Externe de Mathématiques jury (oral examiner), since 2006.
  • SMAI & SIAM (Society For Industrial & Applied Mathematics) Member.


  • Turbulence: concepts & numerical modelling
  • Mathematics & Mathematical Modelling for Engineers
  • Numerical Methods & Scientific Computing
  • Introduction to Hydrodynamic Instabilities
  • Theoretical combustion, flame structure, complex chemistry and transport
  • Fluid Dynamics
  • Mesoscale Combustion & Thermoelectric conversion

Selected papers

Eric Herbert, Cyprien Morize, Aurélie Louis–Napoléon, Christophe Goupil, Pierre Jop and Yves D'Angelo, Buoyancy-driven destabilization of an immersed granular bed, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, volume 843, pages 778-809, 2018.[1]
E. Thiébaut, C. Goupil, F. Pesty, Y. D’Angelo, G. Guégan & P. Lecoeur, Maximization of the Thermoelectric Cooling of a Graded Peltier Device by Analytical Heat-Equation Resolution, Physical Review Applied, 8, 064003, December 2017 [2]
E Albin, R Knikker, S Xin, C O Paschereit & Y D’Angelo, Computational assessment of curvatures and principal directions of implicit surfaces from 3D scalar data, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Mathematical Methods for Curves and Surfaces, Revised selected papers, Springer, 2017, [3]
C. Goupil, H. Ouerdane, E. Herbert, and Y. D'Angelo Thermodynamics of metabolic energy conversion, Posted on ArXiv (2017) [4]
P. Bénard, V. Moureau, G. Lartigue, Y. D'Angelo Large-Eddy Simulation of a hydrogen enriched methane/air meso-scale combustor International Journal of Hydrogen Energy Volume 42, Issue 4, 26 January 2017, Pages 2397-2410 [5]
C. Goupil, H. Ouerdane, E. Herbert, G. Benenti, Y. D’Angelo and Ph. Lecoeur; Closed loop approach to thermodynamics, Phys. Rev. E 94, 032136 – Published 29 September 2016. [6]
P. Bénard, G. Balarac, V. Moureau, C. Dobrzynski, G. Lartigue, Y. D'Angelo, Mesh adaptation for large-eddy simulations in complex geometries, Int. Journal Numerical Methods in Fluids, 2015 [7]
M. Sjostrand-Cuif & Y. D’Angelo, DNS Analysis of a cubic meso-scale combustion chamber : I. Cold flow topology & dynamics, European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, Volume 52, July–August 2015, Pages 55–67, [8]
M. Sjostrand-Cuif, Y. D'Angelo & E. Albin, No-slip Wall Acoustic Boundary Condition treatment in the Incompressible Limit, Computers and Fluids,Volume 86, Pages 92–102, November 2013. [9]
R.A. Rego, Y. D’Angelo & G. Joulin, On nonlinear model equations for the response of premixed flames to acoustic like accelerations, Combustion Theory & Modelling, 2013 [10]
E. Albin, H. Nawroth, S. Göke, Y. D’Angelo, C.O Paschereit, Experimental investigation of burning velocities of ultra-wet methane-air-steam mixtures, March 2013 [11],
E. Albin & Y. D’Angelo, Assessment of the Evolution Equation Modelling approach for three-dimensional expanding wrinkled premixed flames, Combustion & Flame, May 2012, [12]
J. Dombard, B. Leveugle, L. Selle, J. Réveillon, T. Poinsot & Y. D'Angelo, Modeling heat transfer in diluted two-phase flows using the Mesoscopic Eulerian Formalism, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, February 2012, [13]
E. Albin, Y. D'Angelo & L. Vervisch, Using staggered grids with acoustic boundary conditions when solving compressible reactive Navier-Stokes equations, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, February 2012, [14]
E. Albin, Y. D'Angelo & L. Vervisch, Flow streamline based Navier-Stokes Characteristic Boundary Conditions: modeling for transverse and corner outflows, Computers and Fluids, 51, 1, pp. 115-126, December 2011 [15]
G. Boury & Y. D’Angelo, On third order density contrast expansion of the evolution equation for wrinkled unsteady premixed flames, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 46, 9, pp. 1213-1222, November 2011 [16]
O. Esnault, G. Joulin & Y. D'Angelo, Combustion fronts in nondiffusing disordered premixtures. I: Single-channel curved flames, Combustion Theory and Modelling, 12, 4, 739-768, 2008. [17]
J. Savre, N. Bertier, Y. D'Angelo & D. Gaffié, A chemical time scale approach for FPI modeling, Comptes-Rendus Mécanique, 336, 11-12, pp 807-812, 2008. [18]
E. Albin & Y. D'Angelo, A simple strategy for the analysis of the cycle-to-cycle variation of premixed combustion process in ICEs, SAE Paper 2007-24-0039. [19]
M. Boutat, Y. D'Angelo, S. Hilout & V. Lods, An interface evolution problem in the axisymmetric case, Comptes-Rendus Mathématiques, 341, pp. 195-200 (2005) [20]
M. Boutat, Y. D’Angelo, S. Hilout & V. Lods, An interface evolution problem for axisymmetric stressed pore channels, Asymptotic Analysis, 34, pp. 131-150, 2005. [21]
M. Boutat, Y. D'Angelo, S. Hilout & V. Lods, Existence and finite-time blow-up for the solution to a thin-film surface evolution problem, Asymptotic Analysis, 38, pp. 93-128, 2004. [22]
Y. D'Angelo & G. Joulin, Lifetimes of Flame Balls dragged by model turbulent flows : role of velocity gradient fluctuations, Physical Review E, 69, 036304, 1-15, 2004. [23]
G. Joulin & Y. D’Angelo, News from the Flame Ball front, in Simplicity, Rigor and Relevance in Fluid Mechanics, F.J. Higuera, J. Jiménez and J.M. Vega (Eds.), CIMNE, Barcelona, pp. 17–46, 2004. http://www.cimne.com/tiendacimne/ver_libro.asp?id_prod=1110
M. Boutat, Y. D'Angelo, S. Hilout & V. Lods, Finite-time blow-up for a thin-film surface evolution problem, Comptes-Rendus Mathématiques, 337/8, pp. 549-552 (2003). http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.crma.2003.09.005
Y. D'Angelo & G. Joulin, Collective Effects and Dynamics of Non-Adiabatic Flame-Balls, Combustion Theory and Modelling, 5, pp. 1-20, 2001. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1088/1364-7830/5/1/301
G. Joulin, G. Boury, P. Cambray, Y. D'Angelo & K. Joulain, Nonlinear Dynamics of Wrinkled Premixed Flames and Related Statistical Problems, Coherent Structures in Complex Systems, Lecture Notes in Physics, Springer, pp. 127-158, 2001. http://www.springerlink.com/content/wl00085j118x/
Y. D'Angelo, G. Joulin & G. Boury, On Model Evolution Equations for the Whole Surface of 3D Expanding Wrinkled Premixed Flames, Combustion Theory and Modelling, 4, pp. 317-338 2000 (Best CTM Publication of the Year). http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1088/1364-7830/4/3/305
Y. D'Angelo, Computation of the Flow Structure of an Hydrogen/Air Mixture Downstream of a Steady System of Shock Waves, Aerospace Science and Technology, 5, pp. 309-327, 1997. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S1270-9638(97)90053-5
L.P. Gao, Y. D'Angelo, I. Silverman, A. Gomez & M.D. Smooke, Quantitative comparison of detailed numerical computations and experiments in counterflow spray diffusion flames, Proceedings of The Combustion Institute, 26:1739-46, 1996. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0082-0784(96)80399-7
Y. D'Angelo & B. Larrouturou, Comparison and analysis of some numerical schemes for stiff complex chemistry problems, Mathematical Modelling & Numerical Analysis, 29, 3, pp. 259-301, 1995. URL: http://www.numdam.org/item?id=M2AN_1995__29_3_259_0