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Hakim Larabi

Personal Information

Hakim Larabi
PhD Student @ CORIA Lab

Office: INSA/Ma.B.RC.13
email: hakim.larabi@protonmail.com or hakim.larabi@eviden.com
Tel: +33 (0) 6 46 80 74 80

Lab Address

Avenue de l'Université - BP 12
76801 Saint Etienne du Rouvray
Tel: +33 (0)2 32 95 36 00
Fax: +33 (0)2 32 91 04 85

Research Activities

  • PhD : Towards multi-component modelling of spray flames. 

Support : Region of Normandy
Supervisor : Mourad Boukhalfa and Dr. Vincent Moureau

  • Master Thesis (5 months) : Modeling of the low pressure ignition of O2/H2 gas mixtures to the simulation of the rocket motor ignition.

Poster présenté à la Journée François Lacas des Doctorants en combustion - GFC Lille le 16 décembre 2015
Poster présenté au 10ième Mediterranean Combustion Symposium - Naples, Italie - Sep 2017

PhD publications

  1. A Lefebvre, H Larabi, V Moureau, G Lartigue, E Varea, V Modica, B Renou (2016) Formalism for spatially averaged consumption speed considering spherically expanding flame configuration. Combustion and Flame, Volume 173, November 2016, Pages 235–244, [1].


On Spherical expanding flame:

  1. Lefebvre, A, Larabi H, V Moureau, E Varea, V Modica, B Renou (2015) New methodology for the experimental determination of the consumption speed in spherical vessels. Proceedings of the European Combustion Meeting – 2015, Paper Pn-nn, March 30–April 2, 2015, , Budapest, Hungary, ISBN: 978-963-12-1257-0. [2].
  2. H Larabi, A Lefebvre, V Moureau, G Lartigue, E Varea, V Modica, B Renou (2016) A formalism for the estimation of the flame consumption speed for laminar spherical expanding flames. Journée François LACAS des doctorants en combustion, Lille - December,16th 2015.
  3. Lefebvre, A., Larabi H., Moureau, V., Lartigue, G., Modica, V., Varea, E., & Renou, B. Determination of the consumption speed from spherically expanding flame: A new experimental methodology.18th International Symposium on the Application of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics. LISBON | PORTUGAL - JULY 4-7, 2016 . [3]

Jet spray flame:

  1. H Larabi, G Lartigue, V Moureau Numerical simulation of the CORIA spray burner. 6th Workshop on Measurement and Computation of Turbulent Spray Combustion – September 17th, 2017, Napoli, Italy.
  2. H Larabi, G Lartigue, V Moureau LES study of an n-heptane/air turbulent spray jet flame. 2018 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting – 8 - 12 January 2018, Kissimmee, Florida USA. [4].


  • 2014-2018 : PhD at CORIA Lab. with Dr. Vincent Moureau, work on spherical expanding flames, multi-component evaporation, two-phase flames.
  • 2013-2014: M.S. Energétique Fluide et Environnement, Rouen University - CORIA, France
  • 2005-2011: Master’s Degree in Mecanics Engineering & Energetics, Boumerdès University (Ex-INGM, Institut National de Génie Mécanique) Boumerdès, Algeria.