Guillaume RIBERT

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PhD Position - Open

Personal Information

Guillaume Ribert

Guillaume Ribert
CORIA and INSA de Rouen Normandie (CNU Section 60)
Professor since 2023

Office: INSA/Ma.B.RC.07
email: (preferred address)
Tel: +33 (0)2 32 95 97 92

Lab Address

Avenue de l'Université - BP 12
76801 Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, France
Tel: +33 (0)2 32 95 36 00
Fax: +33 (0)2 32 91 04 85

Research Activities


Supercritical and Transcritical Reactive Flows

  • Non-reacting simulation (Mayer's jet).
  • LOx/CH4 simulation (Mascotte test bench).
  • REFINE project (ANR/FRAE Funding).

Turbulent Combustion Modeling:


Compressible Flows and Shock Waves

  • Shock Focusing.
  • Compressible Channel Flows.
  • Jet Flame (Cheng Burner)

Students Supervising


  • Louis Duhem-Duvilla: 2022-2025 (100%)
  • Maxime Bouton: 2022-2025 (50% with Aurélie Nicole et Aurélien Genot)
  • Quentin Cerutti: 2022-2025 (50% with P. Domingo)
  • Florian Kissel: 2021-2024 (50% with P. Domingo)
  • Téodor Chazelle: 2021-2024 (30% with B. Barviau et J.-B. Blaisot)
  • Emilie Yhuel: 2021-2024 (50% with P. Domingo)
  1. Florian Monnier: 2019-2023 (100%) Modélisation et simulation numérique de la combustion dans les moteurs-fusées : étude des flammes LOx/CH4. [Now at ArianeGroup]
  2. Pierre Bénez: 2020-2023 (50% with V. Moureau) Simulatiοn des perfοrmances d'aspiratiοn des pοmpes à carburant basse pressiοn. [Now at TU Berlin]
  3. Loic J. Ruan: 2015-2019 (50% with P. Domingo) Large Eddy Simulation of Supersonic Combustion in Cavity-based Scramjets. [Now at ONERA]
  4. Kevin Bioche: 2015-2018 (50% with L. Vervisch) Analyse de la propagation d'une flamme méthane/air dans un canal étroit bi-dimensionnel avec prise en compte des couplages thermiques. [Now Ass. Prof. INSA de Rouen. Previous: Post-Doc. at the faculty of Brussels (VUB), ATER at INSA]
  5. Umut Guven: 2014-2018 (50% with J. Reveillon) Modélisation et simulation haute fidélité de la combustion pour les moteurs-fusées. [Now at Framatome. Previous: CEA, CNES]
  6. Nathalie Vallée: 2014-2018 (50% with J.-B. Blaisot) Caractérisation des jets à hautes pressions: étude expérimentale d'injections continues sub-, trans- et super-critiques. [Now at Petroleum Analyzer Company. Previous at AKKA, ONERA]
  7. Bastien Duboc: 2013-2016 (50% with P. Domingo) Modélisation hybride de la chimie pour la simulation numérique de la combustion. [Now at Siemens (Gamesa)]
  8. Lisa Bouheraoua: 2011-2014 (50% with P. Domingo) Simulation aux grandes échelles et modélisation de la combustion supersonique link. [Now at DASSAULT. Previous: SAFRAN-TECH]
  9. Xavier Petit: 2010-2014 (60% with P. Domingo) Etude de l’interaction cinétique chimique/turbulence dans une flamme cryotechnique LOx/CH4 link. [Now: Teacher. Previous: at Airbus Safran Launcher]
  10. David Taieb: 2007-2010 (50% with A. Hadjadj) Simulation numérique des écoulements turbulents dans les canaux de refroidissement. Application aux moteurs-fusées link. [Now at Safran Aerosystems. Previous: at Safran Helicopter Engines]

Post-Doctorate Fellow

  • Deewakar Sharma: 2018-2019
  • Ke Wang: 2008-2009 (with L. Vervisch and P. Domingo)

Master of Sciences

  • 2022: Quentin Cerutti (with P. Domingo) and Louis Duhem-Duvilla
  • 2021: Emilie Yhuel (with P. Domingo)
  • 2014: Nathalie Vallée (with J.-B. Blaisot and C. Dumouchel), H. Larabi (with V. Moureau)
  • 2013: Stéphane Mbakop (with P. Domingo) and Jiayuan Tan.
  • 2012: Han Gao
  • 2011: Lisa Bouheraoua (with P. Domingo) and Jiaxin Zhao.
  • 2010: Xavier Petit (with P. Domingo)
  • 2008: Clément Fryer

Teaching Activities

G. Ribert is Head of the Aerospace Specialization at INSA de Rouen where he gives the following lectures (mainly):

  • Fluid Mechanics (~ 60h);
  • Aerodynamics (~ 45h);
  • Combustion and Detonation (~ 45h);
  • Heat and Mass Transfer (~ 35h);
  • The Journée de la Mécanique du Vol Organizer with Ambassadair.
Journée de la Mécanique du Vol


  • 2023: Professor (Professeur des Universités), Energy and Propulsion Dpt.
  • 2006-2023: Maitre de Conférences (Associate Professor) at INSA de Rouen Normandie, Mechanical Dpt.
  • 2010-2023: in charge of the Aerospace specialization (INSA, Master 2, Mechanical Dpt.)
  • 2015: Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches (French Tenure Track)
  • 2005-2006: post-doctoral fellowship at the Pennstate University, PA, USA. Research Topic: Supercritical Turbulent Combustion (supervisor: V. Yang).
  • 2002-2005: Ph.D. focused on Turbulent Combustion Modeling, Ecole Centrale Paris, EM2C Lab, France (supervisors: N. Darabiha, O. Gicquel, D. Veynante).
  • 2001-2002: M.S. of Aerospace and Combustion, ENSMA, France (supervisor: M. Champion).
  • 1998-2001: B.S. of Mechanical Engineering, Ecole Centrale Marseille (ESIM), France.


CNRS research-fellow: 2014-2015 and 2016-2017 (1 year each)
Visiting research-fellow at The School of Aerospace Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018.
Visiting research-fellow at Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford University: 2008, 2012, 2016.
Visiting research-fellow at SFB-TR40, Technische Universität München: 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017.
Visiting research-fellow at PERC, PennState University: 2007, 2008.
Paul Laffitte Award from the GFC (French section of the Combustion Institute) for the best PhD for the period 2005-2007.

Reviewing activities

2019 - present: Associate Editor of "Comptes-Rendus Mecanique", Elsevier.
Reviewer for Combustion and Flame, The Combustion Symposium, Flow Turbulence and Combustion, Combustion Science and Technology, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, AIAA Journal, CR Académie Sciences (CRAS), Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Computers and Fluids, Energy & Fuels, Journal of Propulsion and Power.


Peer-Reviewed International Journal Articles

  1. F. Monnier, G. Ribert, L. Duhem-Duvilla (2024) CH4/O2 supercritical flame structure and simulation, Proc. Combust. Inst. (40): 105514.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.proci.2024.105514 link.
  2. V. Giovangigli, Y. Le Calvez, G. Ribert (2024) Multicomponent thermodynamics with instabilities and diffuse interfaces fluids, AIMS Mathematics (9,9): 25979-26034.
    DOI: 10.3934/math.20241270 link.
  3. P. Bénez, V. Moureau, M. Caiiler, G. Ribert, P. Mingret, M. Robin (2024) High-Fidelity Simulation of an Industrial Low-Pressure Pump of Helicopter Using Coupled LES/CAA Method, Proc. ASME, V10CT32A009.
    DOI: 10.1115/GT2024-123185 link.
  4. E. Yhuel, G. Ribert, P. Domingo (2023) Numerical simulation of laminar premixed hydrogen-air flame/shock interaction in semi-closed channel, Proc. Combust. Inst. (39,3): 3021 - 3029.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.proci.2022.11.002 link.
  5. F. Monnier, G. Ribert (2023) Numerical simulations of supercritical CH4/O2 flame propagation in inhomogeneous mixtures following ignition, Proc. Combust. Inst. (39,2): 2747 - 2755.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.proci.2022.07.213 link.
  6. P. Bénez, G. Lartigue, V. Moureau, G. Ribert, M. Robin (2022) A Coupled Computational Aero-Acoustics (CAA)/ Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) Approach for the Pressure Calculation in Internal Low-Mach Number Flows, Proc. ASME, V10CT32A009.
    DOI: 10.1115/GT2022-80476 link.
  7. F. Monnier, G. Ribert (2022) Simulation of high-pressure methane-oxygen combustion with a new reduced chemical mechanism, Combust. Flame (235): 111735.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2021.111735 link.
  8. J. Ruan, G. Ribert, P. Domingo (2021) Stabilization and extinction mechanisms of flames in cavity flameholder scramjets, Combust. Theory Model. (25,2): 193 - 207.
    DOI: 10.1080/13647830.2020.1845806 link.
  9. H. Chouraqui, G. Dayma, G. Ribert, F. Halter, C. Chauveau, P. Dagaut (2021) Experimental and numerical studies of the diluent influence (N2, Ar, He, Xe) on stable premixed methane flames in micro-combustion, Proc. Combust. Inst. (38,4): 6753 - 6761.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.proci.2020.06.325 link.
  10. J. Ruan, L. Bouheraoua, P. Domingo, G. Ribert (2021) Simulation of a Scramjet Combustor: A Priori Study of Thermochemistry Tabulation Techniques, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion (106): 1241 - 1276.
    DOI: 10.1007/s10494-020-00184-4 link
  11. J. Ruan, P. Domingo, G. Ribert (2020) Analysis of combustion modes in a cavity based scramjet, Combust. Flame (215): 238 - 251.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2020.01.034 link.
  12. K. Bioche, A. Pieyre, G. Ribert, F. Richecoeur, L. Vervisch (2019) The role of gravity in the asymmetry of flames in narrow combustion chambers, Combust. Flame (203): 238 - 246.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2019.02.020 link.
  13. G. Ribert, P. Domingo, L. Vervisch (2019) Analysis of sub-grid scale modeling of the ideal-gas equation of state in hydrogen-oxygen premixed flames, Proc. Combust. Inst. (37,2): 2345 - 2351.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.proci.2018.07.054 link.
  14. U. Guven, G. Ribert (2019) Impact of non-ideal transport modeling on supercritical flow simulation, Proc. Combust. Inst. (37,3): 3255 - 3262.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.proci.2018.05.013 link.
  15. B. Duboc, G. Ribert, P. Domingo (2019) Evaluation of chemistry models on methane/air edge flame simulation, Proc. Combust. Inst. (37,2): 1691 - 1698.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.proci.2018.05.053 link.
  16. K. Bioche, G. Ribert, L. Vervisch (2019) Simulating upstream flame propagation in a narrow channel after wall preheating: Flame analysis and chemistry reduction strategy, Combust. Flame (200): 219 - 231.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2018.11.028 link
  17. B. Duboc, G. Ribert, P. Domingo (2019) Hybrid transported-tabulated chemistry for partially premixed combustion, Computers Fluids (179): 206 - 227.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.compfluid.2018.10.019 link
  18. K. Bioche, L. Vervisch, G. Ribert (2018) Premixed flame-wall interaction in a narrow channel: Impact of wall thermal conductivity and heat losses, J. Fluid Mech. (856): 5 - 35.
    DOI: 10.1017/jfm.2018.681 link.
  19. B. Duboc, G. Ribert, P. Domingo (2018) Description of kerosene / air combustion with hybrid transported-tabulated chemistry, Fuel (233): 146 - 158.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2018.06.014 link
  20. U. Guven, G. Ribert (2018) Large-eddy simulation of supersonic H2/O2 combustion: application to a rocket-like igniter, J. Propul. Power (34,2): 291 - 307.
    DOI: 10.2514/1.B36542 link
  21. L. Bouheraoua, P. Domingo, G. Ribert (2017) Large Eddy Simulation of a supersonic lifted jet flame: Analysis of the turbulent flame base, Combust. Flame (179): 199 - 218.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2017.01.020 link
  22. G. Ribert, X. Petit, P. Domingo (2017) High-pressure methane-oxygen flames. Analysis of sub-grid scale contributions in filtered equations of state, J. Supercritical Fluids (121): 78 - 88.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.supflu.2016.08.020 link
  23. N. Jaouen, L. Vervisch, P. Domingo, G. Ribert (2017) Automatic reduction and optimisation of chemistry for turbulent combustion modeling: Impact of the canonical problem, Combust. Flame (175): 60 - 79.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2016.08.030 link
  24. G. Ribert, D. Taieb, V. Yang (2015) Large-eddy simulation of a supercritical channel flow using a shock capturing numerical scheme, Computers & Fluids (117): 103 - 113.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.compfluid.2015.05.014 link
  25. X. Petit, G. Ribert, P. Domingo (2015) Framework for real-gas compressible reacting flows with tabulated thermochemistry, J. Supercritical Fluids (101): 1 - 16.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.supflu.2015.02.017 link.
  26. G. Ribert, L. Vervisch, P. Domingo, Y.-S. Niu (2014) Hybrid Transported-Tabulated Strategy to Downsize Detailed Chemistry for Numerical Simulation of Premixed Flames, Flow Turbul. Combust. (92): 175 - 200.
    DOI: 10.1007/s10494-013-9520-6 link.
  27. X. Petit, G. Ribert, G. Lartigue, P. Domingo (2013) Large-eddy simulation of supercritical fluid injection, J. Supercritical Fluids (84): 61 - 73.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.supflu.2013.09.011 link.
  28. D. Taieb and G. Ribert (2013) Direct Numerical Simulation and Large-Eddy Simulation of Supersonic Channel Flow, J. Propul. Power (29): 1064 - 1075.
    DOI: 10.2514/1.B34777 link.
  29. G. Ribert, K. Wang and L. Vervisch (2012) A multi-zone self-similar chemistry tabulation with application to auto-ignition including cool-flames effects, Fuel (91): 87 - 92.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2011.07.036 link
  30. K. Wang, G. Ribert, P. Domingo and L. Vervisch (2010) Self-similar behavior and chemistry tabulation of burnt-gas diluted premixed flamelets including heat-loss, Combust. Theory Model. (14): 541 - 570.
    DOI: 10.1080/13647830.2010.502248 link
  31. D. Taieb, G. Ribert and A. Hadjadj (2010) Numerical Simulations of Shock Focusing over Concave Surfaces, AIAA J. (48,8): 1739 - 1747.
    DOI: 10.2514/1.J050199 link
  32. L. Pons, N. Darabiha, S. Candel, G. Ribert and V. Yang (2009) Mass transfer and combustion in transcritical non-premixed counterflows, Combust. Theory Model. (13): 57 - 81.
    DOI: 10.1080/13647830802368821 link
  33. G. Ribert, N. Zong, V. Yang, L. Pons, N. Darabiha and S. Candel (2008) Counterflow diffusion flames of general fluids: oxygen/hydrogen mixtures, Combust. Flame (154): 319 - 330.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2008.04.023 link
  34. G. Ribert, O. Gicquel, N. Darabiha and D. Veynante (2006) Tabulation of complex chemistry based on self-similar behavior of laminar premixed flames, Combust. Flame, (146): 649 - 664.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2006.07.002 link
  35. G. Ribert, M. Champion, O. Gicquel, N. Darabiha and D. Veynante (2005) Modeling non adiabatic turbulent premixed reactive flows including tabulated chemistry, Combust. Flame, (141): 271 - 280.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2004.12.019 link
  36. G. Ribert, M. Champion and P. Plion (2004) Modeling turbulent reactive flows with variable equivalence ratio: application to the calculation of a reactive shear layer, Combust. Sci. Tech. (176): 907 – 923.
    DOI: 10.1080/00102200490428530 link

Art-Science Research

  1. M. Mosseron and G. Ribert, L’image instantanée et moyenne : l’exemple des écoulements turbulents chez Léonard de Vinci et Frits Thaulow, Revue A l'Epreuve (1): 1-25 (2014).
  2. M. Mosseron and G. Ribert, La science des nuages: entre représentation artistique et phénomène météorologique, Revue de l'Histoire de l'Art (67): 19-32 (2010).

Chapter of Book (peer-reviewed)

  1. G. Ribert, P. Domingo, X. Petit, N. Vallée, J.-B. Blaisot, Modelling and simulations of high-pressure practical flows (pp: 629-676), AIAA Book Series: High-Pressure Flows for Propulsion Applications (J. Bellan), Print ISBN 978-1-62410-580-7, (2020).
  2. G. Ribert, D. Taieb, X. Petit, G. Lartigue and P. Domingo, Simulation of supercritical flows in rocket-motor engines: application to cooling channel and injection system, Eucass Book Series, Adv. Aerospace Sci., Prog. Propul. Phys. (4): 205 - 226 Print ISBN 978-2-7598-0876-2, (2013).
  3. G. Ribert, P. Thakre, Z. Wang, R. Yetter and V. Yang, Fundamental combustion characteristics of syngas, in ‘Synthesis gas combustion : Fundamentals and applications’, CRC Press, Print ISBN 9781420085341, (2009).


  1. N. Vallée, U. Guven, J.-B. Blaisot, G. Ribert, Real-gas effect on fluid injection: a numerical an experimental study, Proceeding of the TRR40 Summer Program (2017).
  2. G. Ribert, P. Domingo, L. Vervisch, Sub-grid scale modeling of the equation of state for fully compressible combustion LES, Proceeding of the CTR Summer Program (2016).
  3. G. Ribert, B. Duboc, U. Guven, P. Domingo, Modeling and simulation of combustion in the context of rocket engine ignition, Proceeding of the TRR40 Summer Program (2015).
  4. G. Ribert, L. Bouheraoua, P. Domingo, Large-eddy simulation of supersonic reacting flows, Proceeding of the TRR40 Summer Program (2013).
  5. G. Ribert, P. Domingo, L. Vervisch, An hybrid transported-tabulated strategy to downsize detailed chemistry for Large Eddy Simulation, Proceeding of the CTR Summer Program (2012).
  6. G. Ribert, M.-M. Jarczyk, C. Niedermeier, X. Petit, M. Pfitzner, T. Sattelmayer, M. Schmid, Supercritical fluid flow injection, Proceeding of the TRR40 Summer Program (2011).
  7. L. Selle and G. Ribert, Modeling requirements for LES turbulent flows under supercritical thermodynamic conditions, Proceeding of the CTR Summer Program (2008).

Invited Conferences

  1. P. Domingo, G. Ribert, High fidelity simulations of supersonic combustion. 16th ICFD (Sendai, Miyagi, Japan), 2019.
  2. G. Ribert, Real-gas effects on fluid injection: numerical and experimental study, Int. Combustion Institute Summer School (ICISS), Sao Paulo (Brazil), 2015.


  1. F. Monnier, G. Ribert, L. Duhem-Duvilla CH4/O2 supercritical flame structure and simulation Int. Combust. Symposium, (Milano, Italy), 2024
  2. Q. Cerutti, G. Ribert, and P. Domingo, Numerical simulation of hydrogen-air-steam flames with NOx production. SIAM Int. Conf. on Numerical Combustion, Kyoto (Japan), 2024.
  3. F. Monnier, G. Ribert, L. Duhem-Duvilla Numerical simulation of CH4/O2 supercritical flame SIAM Int. Conf. on Numerical Combustion, Kyoto (Japan), 2024.
  4. G. Ribert, A perspective on supercritical fuel-flow modeling needs with SAF. SIAM Int. Conf. on Numerical Combustion, Kyoto (Japan), 2024.
  5. E. Yhuel, G. Ribert, and P. Domingo, Numerical simulation of detonation onset from H2-air flame-shock interaction. SIAM Int. Conf. on Numerical Combustion, Kyoto (Japan), 2024.
  6. M. Bouton, A. Genot, A. Nicole, G. Ribert, Flame dynamics under methane injection modulations in a transcritical coaxial flow, 9th Space Conf. Propul. (Glasgow, Scotland), 2024.
  7. F. Kissel, G. Ribert, P. Domingo, Large-eddy simulation of a supersonic kerosene flame. 9th Space Conf. Propul. (Glasgow, Scotland), 2024.
  8. L. Duhem-Duvilla, F. Monnier, G. Ribert, Large-eddy simulation of supercritical LOx-CH4 flame. 9th Space Conf. Propul. (Glasgow, Scotland), 2024.
  9. T. Chazelle, F. Lespinasse, S. Idlahcen, J.-B. Blaisot, B. Barviau, G. Ribert, Experimental study of liquid injection under supercritical conditions. ILASS–Europe Meeting, (Napoly, Italy), 2023.
  10. F. Monnier, G. Ribert, Numerical simulation of LOx-CH4 reacting flows under supercritical conditions. IACM - 22nd CFC (Cannes, France), 2023.
  11. Y. Le Calvez, F. Nabet, V. Giovangigli, G. Ribert, Numerical simulation of high-pressure flows with non-ideal fluxes and diffuse interface modeling. IACM - 22nd CFC (Cannes, France), 2023.
  12. F. Monnier, Y. Le Calvez, L. Duhem-Duvilla, G. Ribert, Large-Eddy Simulation of LOx-CH4 supercritical flames. 11th ECM (Rouen, France), 2023.
  13. Q. Cerutti, G. Ribert, P. Domingo, Numerical simulation of laminar hydrogen/air flames. 11th ECM (Rouen, France), 2023.
  14. E. Yhuel, G. Ribert, P. Domingo, Numerical simulation of laminar premixed hydrogen-air flames in interaction with a shock in a semi-closed channel. 11th ECM (Rouen, France), 2023.
  15. F. Kissel, G. Ribert, P. Domingo, Numerical simulation of two-phase combustion in supersonic flows. 11th ECM (Rouen, France), 2023.
  16. T. Chazelle, L. Duhem-Duvilla, F. Lespinasse, S. Idlahcen, J.-B. Blaisot, B. Barviau, G. Ribert, Y. Le Calvez, F. Nabet, and V. Giovangigli, Experimental Investigation of Supercritical Injection. 11th ECM (Rouen, France), 2023.
  17. F. Monnier, G. Ribert Numerical simulations of supercritical CH4/O2 flame propagation in inhomogeneous mixtures following ignition Int. Combust. Symposium, (Vancouver, Canada), 2022.
  18. E. Yhuel, G. Ribert, P. Domingo Numerical simulation of laminar premixed hydrogen-air flame/shock interaction in semi-closed channel Int. Combust. Symposium, (Vancouver, Canada), 2022.
  19. F. Monnier, G. Ribert, Numerical Simulation of LOx/CH4 Supercritical Combustion in a non-Homogenous Mixture 28th ICDERS (Napoli, Italy), 2022.
  20. E. Yhuel, P. Domingo, G. Ribert, Numerical Simulation of Laminar Premixed Hydrogen-Air Flame/Shock Interaction under Low-Pressure Conditions. 28th ICDERS (Napoli, Italy), 2022.
  21. P. Bénez, G. Lartigue, V. Moureau, G. Ribert, A Coupled computational aero-acoustics (CAA)/ large-eddy simulation (LES) approach for the pressure calculation in internal low-Mach number flows. ASME (Rotterdam, The Netherlands), GT2022-80476, 2022.
  22. F. Monnier, G. Ribert, Numerical simulation of supercritical CH4/O2 combustion. 15th ICLASS (virtual) (Edinburgh, UK), 2021.
  23. F. Monnier, G. Ribert, A reduced chemistry for the simulation of CH4/O2 supercritical flames. 10th ECM (virtual) (Naples, Italy), 2021.
  24. H. Chouraqui, G. Dayma, G. Ribert, F. Halter, C. Chauveau, P. Dagaut, Experimental and numerical studies of the diluent influence (N2, Ar, He, Xe) on stable premixed methane flames in micro-combustion, Sympo. Combust. (virtual), Adelaide (Australia), 2021.
  25. R. Ranjan, A. Panchal, S. Karpe, S. Menon, G. Ribert, Application of Hybrid Transported-Tabulated Chemistry for Efficient Large-Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Premixed Combustion. SciTech Virtual Conference (USA), 2021 (AIAA# 3455000).
  26. J. Ruan, P. Domingo, G. Ribert, Large-eddy simulation of a scramjet combustor. 11th MCS (Tenerif, Spain), 2019.
  27. K. Bioche, A. Pieyre, G. Ribert, F. Richecoeur, and L. Vervisch, The role of gravity in the asymmetry of flames in narrow combustion chambers. SIAM Int. Conf. on Numerical Combustion, Aachen (Germany), 2019.
  28. U. Guven, G. Ribert, Modelling and simulation of high-pressure flows. 9th ECM (Lisboa, Portugal), 2019.
  29. J. Ruan, P. Domingo, G. Ribert, Flame stabilization in a cavity-base scramjet. 9th ECM (Lisboa, Portugal), 2019.
  30. K. Bioche, G. Ribert, L. Vervisch, Numerical simulation of flames in narrow combustion chambers. 9th ECM (Lisboa, Portugal), 2019.
  31. U. Guven, G. Ribert Impact of non-ideal transport modeling on supercritical flow simulation Combust. Symposium, Dublin (Ireland), 2018.
  32. G. Ribert, L. Vervisch, P. Domingo Analysis of sub-grid scale modeling of the ideal-gas equation of state in hydrogen-oxygen premixed flames Combust. Symposium, Dublin (Ireland), 2018.
  33. B. Duboc, G. Ribert, P. Domingo Evaluation of chemistry models on methane/air edge flame simulation Combust. Symposium, Dublin (Ireland), 2018.
  34. U. Guven, G. Ribert, Modeling and simulation of supercritical flows. 12th Int. ERCOFTAC Symp. on ETMM, Montpellier (France), 2018.
  35. J. Ruan, P. Domingo, G. Ribert, Large-eddy simulation of supersonic combustion in a cavity-based Scramjet. 12th Int. ERCOFTAC Symp. on ETMM, Montpellier (France), 2018.
  36. K. Bioche, G. Ribert, L. Vervisch, Flame-wall Interaction in narrow channels: a flame shape regime diagram. 12th Int. ERCOFTAC Symp. on ETMM, Montpellier (France), 2018.
  37. N. Vallée, G. Ribert, J.-B. Blaisot, Characterization of ethane jet from sub-critical to super-critical conditions through visible light and X-ray imaging. 14th ICLASS, Chicago (USA), 2018.
  38. U. Guven, G. Ribert, Numerical simulation of supercritical H2/O2 flame with non-ideal transport. 14th ICLASS, Chicago (USA), 2018.
  39. N. Vallée, G. Ribert, J.-B. Blaisot, D. Lisiecki, Experimental investigation of Ethane and Propane injection under sub- and super-critical conditions. 28th Conference ILASS–Europe, Valencia (Spain), 2017.
  40. U. Guven, G. Ribert, Large eddy simulation of supersonic H2-O2 combustion. 26th ICDERS, Boston (USA), 2017.
  41. G. Ribert, P. Domingo, L. Vervisch, Sub-grid scale modeling of the equation of state for fully compressible combustion LES. 26th ICDERS, Boston (USA), 2017.
  42. J.L. Ruan, P. Domingo, G. Ribert, LES of supersonic combustion in cavity-based scramjet. SIAM Int. Conf. on Numerical Combustion, Orlando, Florida (USA), 2017.
  43. K. Bioche, G. Ribert, L. Vervisch, Premixed flame propagation in a boundary layer. SIAM Int. Conf. on Numerical Combustion, Orlando, Florida (USA), 2017.
  44. G. Ribert, P. Domingo, L. Vervisch, Sub-grid scale modeling of the equation of state for fully compressible combustion LES. SIAM Int. Conf. on Numerical Combustion, Orlando, Florida (USA), 2017.
  45. U. Guven, G. Ribert, Numerical simulation of transcritical H2/O2 flame. SIAM Int. Conf. on Numerical Combustion, Orlando, Florida (USA), 2017.
  46. U. Guven, G. Ribert, Simulation of supersonic H2-O2 combustion. 8th ECM (Dubrovnik, Croatia), 2017.
  47. N. Vallée, G. Ribert, J.-B. Blaisot, P. Domingo, D. Lisiecki, Addressing the numerical and experimental study of supercritical fluid flows. 8th ECM (Dubrovnik, Croatia), 2017.
  48. U. Guven, G. Ribert, Large eddy simulation of supersonic H2-O2 combustion. 11th Int. ERCOFTAC Symp. on ETMM, Palermo (Italy), 2016.
  49. G. Ribert, L. Bouheraoua, P. Domingo, Large eddy simulation of Cheng’s supersonic burner. SciTech, 54th AIAA ASM Conference, San Diego, California (USA), 2016, AIAA-2016-0439.
  50. G. Ribert, X. Petit, P. Domingo, Simulation of high-pressure methane flames. SciTech, 54th AIAA ASM Conference, San Diego, California (USA), 2016, AIAA-2016-1935.
  51. B. Duboc, P. Domingo, G. Ribert, Simulating kerosene/air flames with Hybrid Transported-Tabulated Chemistry. 7th ECM (Budapest, Hungary), 2015.
  52. B. Duboc, P. Domingo, G. Ribert, From fully premixed to highly stratified combustion using Hybrid Transported Tabulated Chemistry. 15th ICNC (Avignon, France), 2015.
  53. B. Duboc, P. Domingo, G. Ribert, Simulating kerosene/air flames with Hybrid Transported-Tabulated Chemistry. LBV (Rouen, France), 2015.
  54. G. Ribert, X. Petit, P. Domingo, N. Vallée, Boundary conditions treatment for supercritical flows with tabulated thermochemistry. SciTech, 53rd AIAA ASM Conference, Kissimmee, Florida (USA), 2015, AIAA-2015-1610.
  55. G. Ribert, L. Bouheraoua, P. Domingo, Large eddy simulation of a supersonic burner. SciTech, 52nd AIAA ASM Conference, National Harbor, Maryland (USA), 2014, AIAA-2014-0311.
  56. L. Bouheraoua, G. Ribert, P. Domingo, G. Lartigue, Large Eddy Simulation of supersonic non-reactive and reactive flows with an Immersed Boundary Method. 5th Eucass Conference, Munich (Germany), 2013.
  57. G. Ribert, P. Domingo, L. Vervisch, An hybrid transported-tabulated strategy to downsize detailed chemistry for Direct Numerical Simulation. 6th ECM (Lund, Sweden), 2013.
  58. X. Petit, G. Ribert, P. Domingo, LES of LOx/CH4 mixing and combustion under supercritical conditions. 6th ECM (Lund, Sweden), 2013.
  59. L. Bouheraoua, G. Ribert, P. Domingo, Large Eddy Simulation of a Supersonic Burner. SIAM Int. Conf. on Numerical Combustion, San Antonio, Texas (USA), 2013.
  60. G. Ribert, P. Domingo, L. Vervisch, Hybrid Transported-Tabulated Strategy to Downsize Detailed Chemistry for Large Eddy Simulation. SIAM Int. Conf. on Numerical Combustion, San Antonio, Texas (USA), 2013.
  61. X. Petit, G. Ribert, P. Domingo, LOx/CH4 Mixing and Combustion under Supercritical Conditions. 51st AIAA ASM Conference, Grapevine (Dallas/Ft. Worth Region), Texas (USA), 2013, AIAA-2013-713.
  62. G. Ribert, P. Domingo, L. Vervisch, Hybrid Transported-Tabulated Strategy to Downsize Detailed Chemistry for Large Eddy Simulation. 51st AIAA ASM Conference, Grapevine (Dallas/Ft. Worth Region), Texas (USA), 2013, AIAA-2013-291.
  63. X. Petit, G. Ribert, P. Domingo, Large Eddy Simulation of Supercritical Fluid Flow Injection. 9th International ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modeling and Measurements (ETMM9), Thessaloniki (Greece), 2012.
  64. X. Petit, G. Ribert, P. Domingo, Large Eddy Simulation of Supercritical Fluid Injection. 50th AIAA ASM Conference, Nashville (USA), 2012, AIAA-2012-1268.
  65. G. Ribert, N. Darabiha, Unsteady pressure effects on laminar counterflow H2/air diffusion flames. 50th AIAA ASM Conference, Nashville (USA), 2012, AIAA-2012-169.
  66. G. Ribert, D. Taïeb, X. Petit, G. Lartigue, P. Domingo, Flow simulation under supercritical thermodynamics conditions. 4th Eucass Conference, St-Petersburg (Russia), 2011.
  67. D. Taïeb, G. Ribert, V. Yang, Supercritical fluid behavior in a cooling channel. 49th AIAA ASM Conference, Orlando (USA), 2011, AIAA-2011-392.
  68. G. Ribert, L. Vervisch, P. Domingo, G. Lodier, V. Moureau and G. Lartigue, Advanced detailed chemistry tabulation for engine simulations: application to a rapid compression machine. SIA Internat. Conf. (DIESEL Conf. Rouen, France), 2010.
  69. D. Taïeb, G. Ribert, A. Hadjadj, DNS and LES of wall-bounded compressible turbulent flows in narrow cooling channel. 48th AIAA ASM Conference, Orlando (USA), 2010, AIAA-2010-638.
  70. K. Wang, G. Ribert, P. Domingo and L. Vervisch, Self-similar behavior of burned gases vitiated premixed flamelets including heat-loss, 4th ECM (Vienna, Austria), 2009.
  71. D. Taïeb, G. Ribert and A. Hadjadj, Numerical simulation of a shock focusing on a concave surface, ISIS18 (Rouen, France), 2008.
  72. N. Zong, G. Ribert and V. Yang, A flamelet approach for modelling of liquid oxygen (LOX)/ Methane flames at high pressures, 46th AIAA conference, (Reno, USA), 2008, AIAA-2008-946.
  73. G. Ribert, N. Zong and V. Yang, LES of Combustion of Liquid Oxygen and Methane in a Supercritical Environment, LES Conference, (Rouen, France), 2007.
  74. L. Pons, N. Darabiha, S. Candel, G. Ribert, N. Zong, V. Yang, Mass transfer and combustion in transcritical non-premixed counterflows. ICDERS conference, (Poitiers, France), 2007.
  75. A. Hadjadj, S. Dubos and G. Ribert, Large eddy simulation of shock wave/turbulent boundary layer interaction at M=2.25, TSFP 5 Symposium (Munich, Germany), 2007.
  76. A. Hadjadj, S. Dubos and G. Ribert, Large eddy simulation of turbulent boundary layer at M=2.25, IUTAM Symposium (Corfu, Greece), 2007.
  77. N. Zong, G. Ribert and V. Yang, Supercritical combustion of liquid oxygen (LOX) and methane stabilized by a splitter plate, 45th AIAA ASM Conference (Reno, USA), 2007, AIAA-2007-575.
  78. G. Ribert, N. Zong, V. Yang, L. Pons, N. Darabiha and S. Candel, Counterflow diffusion flames of general fluids: oxygen/hydrogen mixtures, 45th AIAA Conference (Reno, USA), 2007, AIAA-2007-1427.
  79. D. Veynante, G. Ribert, O. Gicquel and N. Darabiha, Self-similar flame tabulation for turbulent combustion simulations. In eleventh SIAM -international conference on numerical combustion, Granada (Spain), 2006.
  80. M. Auge, D. Lacoste, G. Ribert, F. Lacas, J.C. Rolon and N. Darabiha, Simultaneaous OH and HCHO laser induced fluorescence in high pressure premixed counterflow flames, Poster presented to the 31st Symposium of Combustion (Germany), 2006.
  81. G. Ribert, O. Gicquel, N. Darabiha and D. Veynante, Self-similar behavior of laminar premixed flames, 20th ICDERS, Montreal (Canada), 2005.
  82. G. Ribert, M. Champion, O. Gicquel, N. Darabiha and D. Veynante, Modeling non adiabatic turbulent premixed reactive flows including tabulated chemistry, Conference SIAM, Sedona (USA), 2004.
  83. G. Ribert, O. Gicquel and N. Darabiha, Flame Prolongation of ILDM kinetics reduction technique applied to kerosene reaction mechanism, ECM, Orléans (France), 2003.
  84. G. Ribert and M. Champion, Modeling turbulent reactive flows with variable equivalence ratio: application to the calculation of a reactive shear layer, Conference 3rd Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, Marrakech (Morocco), 2003.


G. Ribert was member of the Administrative Committee of the French Section of the Combustion Institute: 2016-2022
G. Ribert was member of the Mechanical Dpt. Committee (INSA): 2012-2018.
G. Ribert was Coordinator of the Research Group 'Numerical Simulation and Modeling of Turbulent Combustion' (CORIA) from 2012 to 2017
G. Ribert was member of the CORIA Lab Committee: 2008-2012.
G. Ribert was member of the CORIA Lab Sci. Committee: 2014-2020.
G. Ribert was chairman of the Aerospace Propulsion Day in 2014.
G. Ribert was co-organizer of the 18th ISIS Conference in 2008.
G. Ribert was member of the LES-AID (2007) and HRTC (2011) Conf. scientific committee.
Seminars: Univ. of Stuttgart and Darmstadt in 2015, TUM in 2019.
CSI (comité de Suivi Individuel): H.-T. Nguyen, A. Seltz, A. Bouaniche, W. Veloz Parra, C. Langrée, H. Tofaili, N. Lyagoubi
Master internship (M1): [M. Brayer - 2021], [N.C. Gabriel, S. Pesqueux, N. Bengaouer, L. Gohier, S. Guo - 2020], [B. Duboc], .