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  • A. Bouaniche, L. Vervisch, P. Domingo (2019) A hybrid stochastic/fixed-sectional method for solving the population balance equation, Chem. Eng. Sci. 209: 115198.
  • A. Seltz, P. Domingo, L. Vervisch, Z. M. Nikolaou (2019) Direct mapping from LES resolved scales to filtered-flame generated manifolds using convolutional neural networks, Combust. Flame. 210: 71-82.
  • Z. M. Nikolaou, C. Chrysostomou, L. Vervisch, S. Cant (2019) Progress variable variance and filtered rate modelling using convolutional neural networks and flamelet methods, Flow Turbulence and Combust. 103(2): 485-501.
  • A. Scholtissek, P. Domingo, L. Vervisch, C. Hasse (2019) A self-contained composition space solution method for strained and curved premixed flamelets. Combust. Flame. 207: 342-355.
  • Z. M. Nikolaou, Y. Minamoto, L. Vervisch (2019) Unresolved stress tensor modelling in turbulent premixed V-flames using iterative deconvolution: An a priori assessment. Phys. Rev. Fluids. 4(6): 063202.
  • K. Wan, Z. Wang, J. Xia, L. Vervisch, P. Domingo, Y. Lv, Y. Liu, Y. He, K. Cen (2019) Numerical study of HCl and SO2 impact on potassium emissions in pulverized-biomass combustion, Fuel Processing Technology. 193:19-30.
  • A. Bouaniche, N. Jaouen, P. Domingo, L. Vervisch (2019) Vitiated high Karlovitz n-decane/air turbulent flames: Scaling laws and micro-mixing modeling analysis, Flow Turbulence and Combust. 102(1): 235–252.
  • K. Wan, Z. Wang, J. Xia, L. Vervisch, P. Domingo, Y. Lv, Y. Liu, Y. He, K. Cen (2019) Numerical study of HCl and SO2 impact on sodium emissions in pulverized- coal flames, Fuel. 250: 315-326.
  • K. Bioche, A. Pieyre, G. Ribert, F. Richecoeur, L. Vervisch (2019) The role of gravity in the asymmetry of flames in narrow combustion chambers, Combust. Flame. 203: 238-246.
  • A. Scholtissek, P. Domingo, L. Vervisch, C. Hasse (2019) A self-contained progress variable space solution method for thermochemical variables and flame speed in freely-propagating premixed flamelets, Proc. Combust. Inst. 37(2): 1529-1536.
  • G. Ribert, P. Domingo, L. Vervisch (2019) Analysis of sub-grid scale modeling of the ideal-gas equation of state in hydrogen-oxygen premixed flames, Proc. Combust. Inst. 37(3): 3255-3262.
  • K. Wan, L. Vervisch, J. Xia, P. Domingo, Z. Wang, Y. Liu, K. Cen (2019) Alkali metal emissions in early stage of a pulverized-coal flame: DNS analysis of reacting layers and chemistry tabulation, Proc. Combust. Inst. 37(3): 2791-2799.
  • Y. Liu, Z. Wang, J. Xia, L. Vervisch, K. Wan, Y. He, R. Whiddon, H. Bahai, K. Cen (2019) Measurement and kinetics of elemental and atomic potassium release from a burning biomass pellet, Proc. Combust. Inst. 37(3): 2681-2688.
  • K. Bioche, G. Ribert, L. Vervisch (2019) Simulating upstream flame propagation in a narrow channel after wall preheating: Flame analysis and chemistry reduction strategy, Combust. Flame. 200: 219-231.
  • K. Bioche, L. Vervisch, G. Ribert (2018) Premixed flame-wall interaction in a narrow channel: Impact of wall thermal conductivity and heat losses, J. Fluid Mech. 856: 5-35.
  • Z. Nikolaou, L. Vervisch (2018) A priori assessment of an iterative deconvolution method for LES sub-grid scale variance modelling, Flow Turbulence and Combust. 101(1): 33-53.
  • Z. Nikolaou, R. S. Cant, L. Vervisch (2018) Scalar flux modelling in turbulent flames using iterative deconvolution, Phys. Rev. Fluids. 3(4): 043201.
  • K. Wan, J. Xia, L. Vervisch, Y. Liu, Z. Wang, K. Cen (2018) Modeling alkali metal emissions in large-eddy simulation of a preheated pulverized-coal turbulent jet flame using tabulated chemistry, Combust. Theory and Modeling, 22(2):203-236.
  • C. Locci, L. Vervisch, B. Farcy, P. Domingo, N. Perret (2018) Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction (SNCR) of nitrogen oxide emissions: A perspective from numerical modeling, Flow Turbulence and Combust. 100(2): 301-340.
  • G. Lodato, L. Vervisch, P. Clavin (2017) Numerical study of smoothly perturbed shocks in the Newtonian limit, Flow Turbulence and Combust. 99(3-4): 887-908.
  • F. Proch, P. Domingo, L. Vervisch, A. Kempf (2017) Flame resolved simulation of a turbulent premixed bluff-body burner experiment. Part I: Analysis of the reaction zone dynamics with tabulated chemistry, Combust. Flame, 180:321-339.
  • F. Proch, P. Domingo, L. Vervisch, A. Kempf (2017) Flame resolved simulation of a turbulent premixed bluff-body burner experiment. Part II: A-priori and a-posteriori investigation of sub-grid scale wrinkling closures in the context of artificially thickened flame modeling, Combust. Flame, 180:340-350.
  • N. Jaouen, L. Vervisch, P. Domingo (2017) Auto-thermal reforming (ATR) of natural gas: An automated derivation of optimised reduced chemical schemes, Proc. Combust. Inst., 36(3): 3321-3330.
  • P. Domingo, L. Vervisch (2017) DNS and approximate deconvolution as a tool to analyse one-dimensional filtered flame sub-grid scale modeling, Combust. Flame, 177: 109-122.
  • N. Jaouen, L. Vervisch, P. Domingo, G. Ribert (2017) Automatic reduction and optimisation of chemistry for turbulent combustion modeling: Impact of the canonical problem, Combust. Flame, 175: 60-79.
  • Z. Pouransari, L. Vervisch, L. Fuchs, A. Johansson (2016) DNS analysis of wall heat transfer and combustion regimes in a turbulent non-premixed wall-jet flame, Flow Turbulence and Combust., 97(3): 951-969.
  • C. Locci, L. Vervisch (2016) Eulerian scalar projection in Lagrangian point source context: An approximate inverse filtering approach, Flow Turbulence and Combust., 97(1):363-368.
  • A. Rasam, Z. Pouransari, L. Vervisch, A. Johansson (2016) Assessment of subgrid-scale stress statistics in non-premixed turbulent wall-jet flames, J. of Turbulence, 17(5): 471-490.
  • L. Cifuentes, C. Dopazo, J. Martin, P. Domingo, L. Vervisch (2016) Effects of the local flow topologies upon the structure of a premixed methane-air turbulent jet flame, Flow Turbulence and Combust, 96(2): 535-546.
  • G. Lodato, L. Vervisch, P. Clavin (2016) Direct numerical simulation of shock wavy-wall interaction: Analysis of cellular shock structures and flow patterns, J. Fluid Mech, 789: 221-258.
  • B. Farcy, L. Vervisch, P. Domingo, N. Perret (2016) Reduced-order modeling for the control of selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR), AIChE Journal, 62(3): 928-938.
  • B. Farcy, L. Vervisch, P. Domingo (2016) Large Eddy Simulation of selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR): A downsizing procedure for simulating nitric-oxide reduction units, Chem. Eng. Sci., 139:285-303.
  • A. Abou-Taouk, B. Farcy, P. Domingo, L. Vervisch, S. Sadasivuni, L.-E. Ericsson (2016) Optimized reduced chemistry and molecular transport for Large Eddy Simulation of partially premixed combustion in a gas turbine. Combust. Sci. Tech. 188(1): 21-39.
  • G. Lodier, P. Domingo, L. Vervisch (2015) Quantification of the pre-ignition front propagation in DNS of rapidly compressed mixture, Flow. Turbulence and Combustion, 94(1): 219-235.
  • B. Denet, L. Biamino, G. Lodato, L. Vervisch, P. Clavin (2015) Model equation for the dynamics of wrinkled shock waves. Comparison with DNS and experiments. Combust. Sci. Tech., 187(1-2): 296-323.
  • L. Cifuentes, C. Dopazo, J. Martin, P. Domingo, L. Vervisch (2015) Local volumetric dilatation rate and scalar geometries in a premixed methane-air turbulent jet flame. Proc. Combust. Inst., 35(2): 1295-1303.
  • P. Domingo, L. Vervisch (2015) Large Eddy Simulation of premixed turbulent combustion using approximate deconvolution and explicit flame filtering. Proc. Combust. Inst., 35(2): 1349-1357.
  • Z. Pouransari, L. Vervisch, A. V. Johansson (2014) Reynolds number effects on statistics and structure of an isothermal reacting turbulent wall-jet. Flow Turbulence Combust. 92(4): 931-945.
  • S. Nambully, P. Domingo, V. Moureau, L. Vervisch (2014) A Filtered-Laminar-Flame PDF sub-grid scale closure for LES of premixed turbulent flames. Part I: Formalism and application to a bluff-body burner with differential diffusion. Combust. Flame, 161(7): 1756-1774.
  • S. Nambully, P. Domingo, V. Moureau, L. Vervisch (2014) A Filtered-Laminar-Flame PDF sub-grid scale closure for LES of premixed turbulent flames: Part II: Application to a stratified bluff-body burner, Combust. Flame, 161(7): 1775-1791.
  • B. Farcy, A. Abou-Taouk, L. Vervisch, P. Domingo, N. Perret (2014) Two approaches of chemistry downsizing for simulating Selective Non Catalytic Reduction DeNOx Process, Fuel, 118: 291-299, DOI 10.1016/j.fuel.2013.10.070.
  • G. Ribert, L. Vervisch, P. Domingo, Y.-S. Niu (2014) Hybrid transported-tabulated strategy to downsize detailed chemistry for numerical simulation of premixed flames, FLow Turbulence and Combustion, 92(1/2): 175-200. DOI 10.1007/s10494-013-9520-6.
  • F. Pecquery, V. Moureau, G. Lartigue, L. Vervisch, A. Roux (2014) Modelling nitrogen oxide emissions in turbulent flames with air dilution: Application to LES of a non-premixed jet-flame, Combust. Flame, 161(2): 496-509.
  • X. Petit, G. Ribert, P. Domingo, G. Lartigue (2013) Large-eddy simulation of supercritical fluid injection, J. Supercritical Fluids (84): 61 - 73. doi:10.1016/j.supflu.2013.09.011 link.
  • M. Sjostrand-Cuif, Y. D'Angelo & E. Albin (in press) No-slip Wall Acoustic Boundary Condition treatment in the Incompressible Limit, Computers and Fluids.
  • Z. Pouransari, L. Vervisch, A. Johansson (2013) Heat release effects on mixing scales of non-premixed turbulent wall-jets: A direct numerical simulation study, Int. J. Heat and Fluid Flow, 40(4): 65-80 [1]
  • N. Yi-Shuai, L. Vervisch, P.-D. Tao, An optimization-based approach to detailed chemistry tabulation: Automated progress variable definition, Combust. Flame, 160(4): 776-785 [2]
  • C. Merlin, P. Domingo, L. Vervisch (2013) Immersed boundaries in Large Eddy Simulation of compressible flows, FLow Turbulence and Combustion, 90(1): 29-68 [3]
  • E. Albin, H. Nawroth, S. Göke, Y. D’Angelo, C.O Paschereit, Experimental investigation of burning velocities of ultra-wet methane-air-steam mixtures, Fuel Processing Technology, Fuel Processing Technology Volume 107, March 2013, Pages 27–35, [4]
  • RA Rego, Y D’Angelo & G Joulin, On nonlinear model equations for the response of premixed flames to acoustic like accelerations, Combustion Theory & Modelling, Volume 17, Issue 1, 2013. [5]
  • C. Merlin, P. Domingo, L. Vervisch (2012) Large Eddy Simulation of turbulent flames in a Trapped Vortex Combustor (TVC) - A flamelet presumed-pdf closure preserving laminar flame speed Comptes Rendus Mécanique, 340 (11/12): 917-932. [6]
  • G. Lodier, C. Merlin, P. Domingo, L. Vervisch, F. Ravet (2012) Self-ignition scenarios after rapid compression of a turbulent mixture weakly-stratified in temperature, Combust. Flame, 159(11), pp. 3358-3371. [7]
  • E. Albin, Y. D’Angelo, Assessment of the Evolution Equation Modelling approach for three-dimensional expanding wrinkled premixed flames, Combustion and Flame 2012[8]
  • N. Enjalbert, P. Domingo, L. Vervisch (2012) Mixing time-history effects in Large Eddy Simulation of non-premixed turbulent flames: Flow-Controlled Chemistry Tabulation, Combust. Flame 159(1), pp. 336-352.2012 [9]
  • G. Ribert, K. Wang and L. Vervisch, A multi-zone self-similar chemistry tabulation with application to auto-ignition including cool-flames effects, Fuel (91): 87 - 92, (2012). [10]
  • J. Dombard, B. Leveugle, L. Selle, J. Réveillon, T. Poinsot & Y. D'Angelo, Modeling heat transfer in diluted two-phase flows using the Mesoscopic Eulerian Formalism, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2011, [11]
  • G. Boury & Y. D’Angelo, On third order density contrast expansion of the evolution equation for wrinkled unsteady premixed flames, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2011 [12]
  • E. Albin, Y. D'Angelo, L. Vervisch Flow streamline based Navier-Stokes Characteristic Boundary Conditions: modeling for transverse and corner outflows, Computers and Fluids, 2011 [13]
  • G. Lodier, L. Vervisch, V. Moureau, P. Domingo (2011) Composition-space premixed flamelet solution with differential diffusion for in situ flamelet-generated manifolds, Combust. Flame 158(10): 2009-2016. [14]
  • V. Moureau, P. Domingo, L. Vervisch (2011) From Large-Eddy Simulation to Direct Numerical Simulation of a lean premixed swirl flame: Filtered Laminar Flame-PDF modeling, Combust. Flame 158(7): 1340-1357 [15]
  • V. Moureau, P. Domingo, L. Vervisch (2011) Design of a massively parallel CFD code for complex geometries C.R. Mecanique 339(2/3): 141-148.
  • E. Albin, Y. D'Angelo, L. Vervisch Using staggered grids with characteristic boundary conditions when solving compressible reactive Navier-Stokes equations Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fl. , Feb 2012, [16].
  • G. Lecocq, S. Richard, J.-B. Michel, L. Vervisch (2011) A new LES model coupling flame surface density and tabulated kinetics approaches to investigate knock and pre-ignition in piston engines Proc. Combust. Inst., 33(2): 3105-3114.
  • G. Lecocq, S. Richard, O. Colin, L. Vervisch (2011) Hybrid presumed pdf and flame surface density approaches for Large-Eddy Simulation of premixed turbulent combustion Part 1: Formalism and simulation of a quasi-steady burner Combust. Flame 158(6): 1201-1214.
  • G. Lecocq, S. Richard, O. Colin, L. Vervisch (2011) Hybrid presumed pdf and flame surface density approaches for Large-Eddy Simulation of premixed turbulent combustion Part 2: Early flame development after sparking Combust. Flame 158(6): 1215-1226.
  • D. Taïeb, G. Ribert, A. Hadjadj (2010) Shock focusing simulations using an optimized High-order WENO numerical scheme, AIAA J. (48,8): 1739-1747.
  • K. Wang, G. Ribert, P. Domingo, L. Vervisch (2010) Self-similar behavior and chemistry tabulation of burnt-gases diluted premixed flamelets including heat-loss Combust. Theory and Modelling 14(4): 541-570.
  • G. Lecocq, S. Richard, O. Colin, L. Vervisch (2010) Gradient and counter-gradient modelling in premixed flames: theoretical study and application to the LES of a Lean premixed turbulent swirl-burner Comb. Sci. Tech. 182(4-6): 465-479.
  • D. Veynante, G. Lodato, P. Domingo, L. Vervisch, E. R. Hawkes (2010) Estimation of three-dimensional flame surface densities from planar images in turbulent premixed combustion Exp. in Fluids 49:267-278.
  • L. Vervisch, P. Domingo, G. Lodato, D. Veynante (2010) Scalar energy fluctuations in Large-Eddy Simulation of turbulent flames: Statistical budgets and mesh quality criterion Combust. Flame 157(4): 778-789.
  • V. Subramanian, P. Domingo, L. Vervisch (2010) Large-Eddy Simulation of forced ignition of an annular bluff-body burner Combust. Flame 157(3): 579-601.
  • P.-D. Nguyen, L. Vervisch, V. Subramanian, P. Domingo (2010) Multi-dimensional flamelet-generated manifolds for partially premixed combustion Combust. Flame 157(1): 43-61.
  • G. Lodato, L. Vervisch, P. Domingo (2009) A compressible wall-adapting similarity mixed model for large-eddy simulation of the impinging round jet Phys. Fluids 21:035102.
  • L. Pons, N. Darabiha, S. Candel, G. Ribert, V. Yang (2009) Mass transfer and combustion in transcritical non-premixed counterflows, Combust. Theory Model. (13): 57-81.
  • G. Godel, P. Domingo, L. Vervisch (2009) Tabulation of NOx chemistry for Large-Eddy Simulation of non-premixed turbulent flames Proc. Combust. Inst. 32: 1555-1551.
  • F. Duchaine, A. Corpron, L. Pons, V. Moureau, F. Nicoud, and T. Poinsot (2009) Development and assessment of a coupled strategy for conjugate heat transfer with Large Eddy Simulation. Application to a cooled turbine blade, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 30(6), 1129-1141 [17].
  • V. Moureau, B. Fiorina, and H. Pitsch (2009) A level set formulation for premixed combustion LES considering the turbulent flame structure., Comb. and Flame, 156, 801-812 [18].
  • E. Riber, V. Moureau, M. Garcia, T. Poinsot and O. Simonin, (2009) Evaluation of numerical strategies for LES of particulate two-phase recirculating flows, J. Comp. Physics, 228, 539-564 [19].
  • D. Veynante, B. Fiorina, P. Domingo L. Vervisch, (2008) Using self-similar properties of turbulent premixed flames to downsize chemical tables in high-performance numerical simulations Combust. Theory and Modeling 12(6): 1055-1088.
  • G. Ribert, N. Zong, V. Yang, L. Pons, N. Darabiha, S. Candel (2008) Counterflow diffusion flames of general fluids: oxygen/hydrogen mixtures, Combust. Flame (154): 319-330.
  • J. Galpin, A. Naudin, L. Vervisch, C. Angelberger, O. Colin, P. Domingo (2008) Large-Eddy Simulation of a fuel lean premixed turbulent swirl burner Combust. Flame 155(1): 247 266.
  • G. Lodato, P. Domingo, L. Vervisch (2008) Three-dimensional boundary conditions for Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation of compressible flows J. of Comp. Phys. 227(10): 5105-5143.
  • J. Galpin, C. Angelberger, A. Naudin, L. Vervisch (2008) Large-Eddy Simulation of H2-air auto-ignition using tabulated detailed chemistry J. of Turbulence 9(13).
  • P. Domingo, L. Vervisch, D. Veynante (2008) Large-Eddy Simulation of a lifted methane jet flame in a vitiated coflow Combust. Flame 152(3): 415-432.
  • O. Desjardins, V. Moureau and H. Pitsch (2008) An accurate conservative level set/ghost fluid method for simulating turbulent atomization, J. Comp. Physics, 227, 8395-8416 [20].
  • O. Esnault, G. Joulin & Y. D'Angelo, Combustion fronts in nondiffusing disordered premixtures. I: Single-channel curved flames, Combustion Theory and Modelling, 12, 4, 739-768, 2008.
  • J. Savre, N. Bertier, Y. D'Angelo & D. Gaffié, A chemical time scale approach for FPI modeling, Comptes-Rendus Mécanique, 336, 11-12, pp 807-812, 2008.
  • G. Subramanian, R. Bounaceur, A. Pirez Da Cruz, L. Vervisch (2007) Chemical impact of CO and H2 addition on the auto-ignition delay of homogeneous n-heptane/air mixtures Comb. Sci. Tech. 179(9): 1937-1962.
  • P. Domingo, L. Vervisch (2007) DNS of partially premixed flame propagating in a turbulent rotating flow Proc. Combust. Inst. 31:1657-1664.
  • X. Paubel, A. Cessou, D. Honoré, L. Vevisch, R. Rsiava (2007) A flame stability diagram for piloted non-premixed oxycombustion of low calorific residual gases Proc. Combust. Inst. 31: 3385-3392.
  • V. Moureau, C. Bérat and H. Pitsch (2007) An Efficient Semi-Implicit Compressible Solver for Large-Eddy Simulations, J. Comp. Physics, 226, 1256-1270 [21].
  • V. Moureau, P. Minot, C. Bérat and H. Pitsch (2007) A Ghost-Fluid Method for Large-Eddy Simulations of Premixed Combustion in Complex Geometries, J. Comp. Physics, 221, 600--614 [22].
  • C. Péra, J. Réveillon, L. Vervisch, P. Domingo (2006) Modeling subgrid scale mixture fraction variance in LES of evaporating spray Combust. Flame 146(4): 635-648.
  • L. Vervisch, P. Domingo (2006) Two recent developments in numerical simulation of premixed and partially premixed turbulent flame C. R. Mecanique 334 (8/9): 523-530.
  • G. Ribert, O. Gicquel, N. Darabiha, D. Veynante (2006) Tabulation of complex chemistry based on self-similar beahaviour of laminar premixed flames, Combust. Flame, (146): 649-664.
  • G. Ribert, M. Champion, O. Gicquel, N. Darabiha, D. Veynante (2005) Modeling non adiabatic turbulent premixed reactive flows including tabulated chemistry, Combust. Flame, (141): 271-280.
  • P. Domingo, L. Vervisch, S. Payet and R. Hauguel (2005) DNS of a Premixed Turbulent V-Flame and LES of a Ducted-Flame using a FSD-PDF subgrid scale closure with FPI tabulated chemistry Combust. Flame 143(4): 566-586.
  • K.N.C. Bray, P. Domingo, L. Vervisch (2005) The role of progress variable in models for partially premixed turbulent combustion Combust. Flame 141(4): 431-437.
  • J. Réveillon, L. Vervisch (2005) Analysis of weakly turbulent diluted-spray flames and combustion regimes J. Fluid Mech. 537: 317-347.
  • P. Domingo, L. Vervisch, J. Réveillon (2005) DNS analysis of partially premixed combustion in spray and gaseous turbulent-flame bases stabilized in hot air. Combust. Flame 140(3): 172-195.
  • B. Fiorina, O. Gicquel, L. Vervisch, S. Carpentier, N. Darabiha (2005) Approximating the chemical structure of partially-premixed and diffusion counter-flow flames using FPI flamelet tabulation Combust. Flame 140(3): 147-160.
  • B. Fiorina, O. Gicquel, L. Vervisch, S. Carpentier, N. Darabiha (2005) Premixed turbulent combustion modeling using tabulated detailed chemistry and PDF Proc. Combust. Inst. 30(1): 867-874.
  • R. Hauguel, L. Vervisch, P. Domingo (2005) DNS of premixed turbulent V-Flame: coupling spectral and finite difference methods C. R. Mecanique 333 (1): 95-102.
  • V. Moureau, G. Lartigue, Y. Sommerer, C. Angelberger, O. Colin and T. Poinsot, (2005) Numerical methods for unsteady compressible multi-component reacting flows on fixed and moving grids, J. Comp. Physics, 202, 710--736 [23].
  • L. Vervisch, P. Domingo, M. Rullaud, R. Hauguel (2004) Three facets of turbulent combustion modeling: DNS of Premixed V-flame, LES of lifted jet-flame, RANS of non premixed jet-flame J. of Turbulence, 5(4): 1-36.
  • L. Vervisch, B. Labégorre, J. Réveillon (2004) Hydrogen-sulphur oxy-flame analysis and single-step flame tabulated chemistry Fuel 83(4-5): 605-614.
  • G. Ribert, M. Champion, P. Plion (2004) Modeling turbulent reactive flows with variable equivalence ratio: application to the calculation of a reactive shear layer, Combust. Sci. and Tech. (176): 907 – 923.
  • J. Boulanger, L. Vervisch, J. Réveillon, S. Ghosal (2003) Effects of heat release in laminar diffusion flames lifted on round jets Combust. Flame, 134(4): 355-368.
  • L. Blin, A. Hadjadj, L. Vervisch, (2003) Large Eddy Simulation of turbulent flows in reversing systems J. of Turbulence, 4(1): 1-19.
  • O. Gicquel, L. Vervisch, G. Joncquet, B. Labegorre, N. Darabiha (2003) Combustion of residual steel gases: Laminar flame analysis and turbulent flamelet modeling, Fuel 82(8): 983 - 991.
  • P. Domingo, L. Vervisch, K.N.C. Bray (2002) Partially premixed flamelets in LES of nonpremixed turbulent combustion Combust. Theory and Modelling 6(4): 529-551.
  • J. Boulanger, L. Vervisch (2002) Diffusion edge-flame: Approximation of the flame tip Damköhler number Combust. Flame, 130(1/2): 1-14.
  • D. Veynante, L. Vervisch (2002) Turbulent Combustion Modeling Prog. Energ. Sci., 285(3): 193-266.
  • V. Favier, L. Vervisch (2001) Edge flames and partially premixed combustion in diffusion flame quenching Combust. Flame. 125 (1/2): 788-803.
  • S. Ghosal, L. Vervisch (2001) Stability diagram for lift-off and blowout of a round jet laminar diffusion flame Combust. Flame. 124(4): 646-655.
  • S. Ghosal, L. Vervisch (2000) Theoretical and numerical study of a symmetrical triple flame using the parabolic flame path approximation J. Fluid Mech. 415: 227-260.
  • J. Reveillon, L. Vervisch (2000) Accounting for spray vaporization in non-premixed turbulent combustion modeling: A Single Droplet Model (SDM) Combust. Flame 121(1/2): 75-90.
  • L. Vervisch, D. Veynante (2000) Interlinks between approaches for modeling turbulent flames Proc. Combust. Inst. 28: 175-183.
  • L. Vervisch (2000) Using numerics to help understand nonpremixed turbulent flames Proc. Combust. 28: 11-24.
  • L. Vervisch, T. Poinsot (1998) Direct numerical simulation of non-premixed turbulent combustion Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech. 30: 655-92.
  • J. Réveillon, L. Vervisch (1998) Subgrid-Scale Turbulent Micromixing: Dynamic Approach AIAA Journal 36 (3): 336-341.
  • V. Favier, L. Vervisch (1998) Investigating the effects of Edge-flames in liftoff in non-premixed turbulent combustion Proc. Combust. Inst. 26: 1239-1245.
  • L. Vervisch, J. Réveillon (1996) Dynamics of iso-concentration surfaces in weak shock turbulent mixing interaction AIAA Journal 34 (12): 2539-2544.
  • L. Vervisch, J. Réveillon, L., Guichard (1996) Recent developments in turbulent combustion modeling Journal Européen des Eléments Finis 5 (2): 161-196.
  • J. Réveillon, L. Vervisch (1996) Response of the dynamic model to heat release induced effects Phys. of Fluids 8(8): 2248-2250.
  • P. Domingo, L. Vervisch (1996) Triple flames and partially premixed combustion in autoignition of nonpremixed turbulent mixtures Proc. Combust. Inst. 26: 233-240.
  • G.R. Ruetsch, L. Vervisch, A. Linan (1995) Effects of heat release on triple flames Phys. Fluids 7(6): 1447-1454.
  • S. Mahalingam, J. H. Chen, L. Vervisch (1995) Finite-rate chemistry and transient effects in direct numerical simulations of turbulent non-premixed flames Combust. Flame 102(3): 285-297.
  • L. Vervisch, E. Bidaux, K.N.C. Bray, W. Kollmann (1995) Surface density function in premixed turbulent combustion modeling, similarities between probability density function and flame surface approaches Phys. Fluids 7(10): 2496-2503.
  • L. Guichard, L. Vervisch, P. Domingo (1995) Two-dimensional weak-shock vortex interaction in a mixing zone AIAA Journal 33(10): 2539-2544.