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Welcome on Benjamin Farcy user page.

Benjamin Farcy

Personal Information

Benjamin Farcy
Former PhD Student @ CORIA
Office: INSA/Ma.B.

Tel: +33 (0)7 70 52 55 94

Lab Adress

Avenue de l'Université - BP 12
76801 Saint Etienne du Rouvray

Research Activities

  • Code development and optimization (YALES2, SITCOMB) for Large Eddy Simulations and Direct Numerical Simulations.
  • Reactive turbulent flows : multi species with reduced and detailed chemistry, tabulated formulation.
  • Multi phase flows : Lagrangian solver, transport, evaporation of mono and multi component droplets.


  1. B. Farcy, L. Vervisch, P. Domingo (2014) Large-eddy simulation and low-order modeling of nitrogen oxide (NOx) reduction by ammonia spray, Proceedings of the 2014 Summer Program, Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford. [LINK]
  2. B. Farcy, A. Abou-Taouk, L. Vervisch, P. Domingo, N. Perret (2014) Two approaches of chemistry downsizing for simulating Selective Non Catalytic Reduction DeNOx Process, Fuel, 118, pp. 291-299.

PhD Thesis

Title : Analysis of Nitrous Oxides Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction (SNCR) and its application to the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) of an incinerator.

Supervisors : Luc Vervisch and Pascale Domingo at CORIA

Funding : ANRT Cifre with the chemical company SOLVAY

From / To  : December 2011 - December 2014

Research topics  :

  • Thermochemistry analysis of nitrous oxide reduction process (DeNOx).
  • Optimization procedures for building DeNOx reduced chemical schemes. Collaboration with Chalmers University, Sweden.
  • Development of high performances numerical tools for reactive and multiphase flows: Introduction of multi- component spray evaporation in the flow solver YALES2 (unstructured low-Mach) and SiTComB (structured fully compressible).
  • Simulations of an industrial system at several operating points.
  • Optimization of the industrial incinerator DeNOx process with numerical simulations.
  • Development of a low order stochastic model of the incinerator for process control.
